0330 124 7431 25 St Nicholas Pl, Leicester LE1 4LD Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00.

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When you’re looking for a job, even if your own natural inclination is to be modest, there is no place for modesty in the jobs market.
Your ability to stand out from the crowd means getting your skills, experience and knowledge in front of the companies that you want to work for and be confident to share your achievements.
Getting that all important job isn’t just down to your skills and experience, you have to be able to market yourself and not everyone finds this easy. Thinking objectively about yourself and what you are good at is sometimes difficult. You also need to know who you would want to work for and what medium you would use to reach them. Active Staffing’s 8 best ways to market yourself, starting with

  • Have an effective CV
  • Use the internet for networking
  • Build Relationships with the right recruiters
  • Presence on Job Boards
  • Target Companies
  • Network
  • Form partnerships
  • Work on your development

Here at Active Staffing we specialise in recruiting into various sectors, for further assistance with personal development please call our offices and speak with one of our experienced professionals on 0116 251 1600 or email us at info@activegroup.biz

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