0330 124 7431 25 St Nicholas Pl, Leicester LE1 4LD Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00.


Active Biz Services Ltd is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers and shall adhere to such a policy at all times and will review on an on-going basis on all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. We will treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a Trade Union and we place an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy. Active Biz Services Ltd shall not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment, or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers. Active Biz Services Ltd will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s merits, qualification and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the particular vacancy. Please complete this form fully; the information is vital for assessment purposes.

In line with Home Office guidance on the prevention of illegal working we will need to verify and take a copy of your original ID documentation as evidence of your right to work in the UK if you are to be engaged by Active Biz Services Ltd for temporary work.

*Certain types of employment and professions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and in those cases particularly where the employment is sought in relation to positions involving working with children or vulnerable adults, details for all criminal convictions must be given. The information given will be treated in the strictest of confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of Active Biz Services Ltd, the offence is relevant to the post to which you are applying. Failure to declare a conviction may require us to exclude you from our register or terminate an assignment if the offence is not declared but later comes to light.
